Era Iyer
- Tufts University
- B.S. in Computer Science & B.A. in Economics
- Fall 2017 - Present
- Tufts University Department of Computer Science, Medford, MA
- Teaching Assistant
- TA for Computer Science 15: Data Structures
- Hold weekly office hours to help students debug and better understand algorithms and concepts in C++
- Provide feedback and grading on assignments and exams
- Winter 2019 - present
- TA for Computer Science 61: Discrete Mathematics
- Held weekly office hours to help students with homework assignments
and exam preparation for discrete math topics
- Provided feedback and grading on assignments and exams
- Fall 2018 - Winter 2018
- Girls Who Code, Adobe, San Jose, CA
- Teaching Assistant
- Responsible for teaching basic computer science to 20 high
school girls looking to gain a better understanding of the tech industry
- Collaborated with teaching team to organize and update weekly
cirriculum according to student progress
- Coordinated with Adobe management and Girls Who Code headquarters
to bring in guest speakers and lecturers
- Summer 2018
- Languages: C++, Python, HTML5/CSS, JavaScript, Java
- JumboCode, Medford, MA
- Student Programmer
- Create customized technology products for non-profit organizations.
- Collaboating with team to re-design the Tufts Textbook Exchange, a platform for students to buy and sell books within the Tufts community.
- Working on front-end design and implementation, using HTML/CSS and the React JS library
- Fall 2018-present
- 180 Degree Consulting, Medford, MA
- Student Consultant
- Provide consulting work to non-profit organzations. Develop
effective solutions and business strategies for clients.
- Last semester, collaborated with team members to complete deliverables
requested by a biotechnology company
- Researched, constructed, and delivered report encompassing market trends, a recommended pricing model, and recommendations on implementation in the supply
- Fall 2018-present
- MakeSchool, Sunnyvale, CA
- Participant
- Developed an iOS app, called WorldOfMusic, that allows users to
explore different types of music from countries around the world
- Designed, coded, and published app onto App Store
- Learned to code in Swift, and implemented WorldOfMusic using Spotify API
- Summer 2016
- Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program, Microsoft, Mountain View, CA
- Participant
- Improved coding skills and was mentored by several female tech
industry experts
- Learned to code in several new languages incldugin HTML5/CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Arduino C
- Designed and developed a game with my team called "The Climb" that simulates the battle against imposter syndrome
- The Climb Game
- Summer 2015